Welcome to My Columbia Gas Voice

We created this website to share information with you about our workplace, to highlight many of the great benefits of being a part of the Columbia Gas of Pennsylvania and Columbia Gas of Maryland teams and to make sure you have full and accurate information about contact from outside groups.

About the UWUA

UWUA Needs New Members

Since 2015, the union has lost more than 8,000 members. That's why they're so interested in you.

Spent to pay the UWUA’s staff and officers.

$ 0

Get the Facts

Protect Your Signature

Unions are always looking for new, dues-paying members, and you and your co-workers are prime targets.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does the collective bargaining process work? Do I have a right to speak out against the union if I do not want the union to represent me?


If you have any questions about labor unions or union representation, please ask here.

What You Need to Know

A union’s first step in locking in new members is to get employees to demonstrate their support, typically by signing union authorization cards or clicking “agree” an online solicitation.

Protect Your Signature

Frequently Asked Questions

Can Columbia Gas communicate with us about the union?

Get this answer and other FAQs.

Ask a Question

If you have any questions about labor unions or union representation, please ask here.

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