About the UWUA
Overall, union membership has steadily fallen since its height in the late ’40s and ’50s.
The UWUA membership is following the same trend. Since 2015, the union has lost more than 8,000 members.

Source: Department of Labor – Office of Labor-Management Standards
An Unfair Labor Practice (ULP) is a violation of the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA), which can be committed by either the company or the union.
Since 2015, 185 NLRB charges have been filed alleging that the UWUA committed ULPs. Those complaints ranged from “Discipline (including charges/fines)/Harassment” to “Union Dues and/or Membership Related (including excessive fees).”
This information is worth knowing in considering whether UWUA is a union you would want to represent you.
Unfair Labor Practice Charges Filed Against the UWUA

Source: Bloomberg BNA