About the UWUA


The UWUA is by no means a charity. It is a big business, surviving on the dues, fees and fines of its hard-working members.

The UWUA is required each year to file a document called an “LM-2,” which reports the union’s most recent financial flow. It also provides information on how the union collects and spends its members’ dues and fees.

Workers pay for most of the union’s costs and overhead through their dues. These costs include lobbying, travel and the salaries and benefits for union officers and staff.

Revenue generated by the UWUA in 2023 — 90% collected from members’ per capita taxes.
$ 0
Percentage of UWUA revenue spent to organize new members, bargain contracts, and represent current members.
0 %
Percentage UWUA spent on overhead, gifts, salaries, benefits for union leaders and staff, political activities, and lobbying.
0 %
Spent to pay the UWUA’s staff and officers.
$ 0

UWUA Spending

The chart below breaks down how the UWUA spent $18,707,035.

Source: 2024 UWUA LM-2 Report. *Other: Contributions, Gifts, and Grants; Supplies for Resale; Loans Made; To Affiliates of Funds Collected on Their Behalf; Less Total Disbursed.

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